Thursday, August 30, 2007

Spider moon

To the light house

common rustic
canary-shouldered thorn

Bubble Brilliant

wild swans

just a name

The kids are alright

bumped into an auld mate, brought me down to the river to hear a lightening gig from "Band on an island". The violin player only happened to be my neighbour 3 doors down when i was in Newbridge. and the kids are alright! Solid fan base already (mind you back to school next week!)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A tale of 3 Pubs

Coffey's ~ where I had my first pint
O'Rourkes ~ a good pub
Earley's ~ the odd pint there. like the name minus an E.!

Billy's Bar

Ah, Dad's local in his day. It was called Neesons, still is by some.
Opposite was Snell's bookies. Many a 5p yankees was staked! :)

New Newbridge

Piwo and 24 hour shopping. compliment eachother?

a burgeoning Polish community and the largest shopping complex beyond Dublin. never would have guessed 20 years ago when i was going to school in Newbridge.

Old Newbridge

the auld newbridge, going or gone forever. how long before these two room terrace cottages get "redeveloped"

"In my day there were two rooms and ten childern, now it's ten bedrooms and two children" quote aunt molly

August Bloom


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

what is beauty?

images that have caught my eye this week in Dublin.

The Three Dancers (1945) by John Luke 1906-75

On through the silent lands (1951) by Jack B. Yeats 1871-1957

MP3 light

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The boys are back in town.

check out the music of Igor.

The Auld Town

it was 19 years ago, wow, nearly since Uni Days there.
a bit shinier but a lot remains the same

Wet & Wexford

Landfall into Rosslare.
The summer that hasn't been? continues in Ireland
Can strawberries swim??

Saturday, August 18, 2007

no need to say anything else

the Eternal Spiral.

The Spiral; a recurring motif
eg. Newgrange c.3300-2900BC (500 years older than the pyramids)
"The spiral is the most ancient symbol found on every civilized continent. Due to its appearance at burial sites across the globe, the spiral most likely represented the "life-death-rebirth" cycle. Similarly, the spiral symbolized the sun, as ancient people thought the sun was born each morning, died each night, and was reborn the next morning.."

Spirals from across the world found in a quick spin thru the british museum.

"Poporos" ~ gold lime flasks from Colombia 600-1100 AD
the figure holds a spiral motif.
A golden cup Mycanaean (Greek) 1800-1500BC
Pendants from near river danube (middle bronze age) ~1600-1200BC
Bronze buckle of a Roman soldier ~ 4th-5thC AD

British museum ~ variety of treasures

A quadrant - medieval way to tell the time c. 1400
tekoteko - a figure to protect the threshold of maori doors ~ 1800's
Cotptic talismatic scroll ~ c18th-19th C.
from the palace of Darius ? Persia ~ c. 300 BC
Roman bowl 4th C AD ~ the symbol predates a religious use!